Claire PerierDoctoral Student
The Write Space enabled me to finally tackle a piece of writing I had been avoiding for months. Stacey is an excellent facilitator who will go above and beyond to help you get those words on paper, and is also an amazing cook! The bank house is the perfect mix of pampering and academic focus, with enough flexibility to accomodate all rhythms and needs.
Laura FeyConsultant & Doctoral StudentI got everything done I could wish for, so the retreat was a full success! Great food and really lovely atmosphere to sit together with everyone. It makes such a difference to not sort out food while writing and it helped me to focus on my work. I felt very productive, I loved the evening get together on the first night and the goal setting. The whole atmosphere is very relaxing, open, and not full of pressure. The location is amazing with the countryside at the backdoor.
Emmy Kauling, PhDInnovation Lead, Deaf Action |
Call me a super fan.. but I have 3 great tesimonials to share:
First, as a non-native speaker of English, I wanted to have my PhD thesis proofread. Adam was happy to do it for a resonable price, and it made a massive difference to my thesis. Repetitions were indicated, my un-idiomatic language was highlighted and mumbo-jumbo was spotted, and alternatives given. I felt much more confident in sending my thesis to my examiners. Second, throughout my PhD journey, I had been lucky enough to have discussions about my work with Stacey. She would help me clarify my thinking or sharpen an argument I was trying to make by asking critical questions. She would encourage me in the process, in a gentle but realistic and honest way (no, the PhD is not always fun)- and she would never shy away of making sure that you had proper fuel (delicious food) to keep going. |
Third, the space. I was stressed, stretched and stunned. I decided to spend a weekend at Bank House and Stacey & Adam made me feel welcome straight away. So did Jet, their furry companion, who I quickly became best buddies with, and I don't even like dogs! The food was always fresh and tasty, the enviornment is green and wide, and the space is welcoming and warm. It's been over two weeks that I was there, and I think about the peace and tranquility that I experienced there daily. The place and the people (and Jet) definitely helped me clear my mind and I hope to go back soon.
Have you been to The Write Space? If so, share your experiences directly with us. We value your feedback.