Ultimate Writing Retreat Packing List
Be realistic as to how much you will do in the time period that you have- bring the essentials: For the work: Laptop/Laptop charger Reference materials (books, articles, notes) Notebook, pen Flashdrive (external drive to back up work) Writer’s clothes* Headphones Phone charger Suggested Writing Tools Scriviner Evernote Grammarly Mendeley Zotero Your university may have licences for these to get the full version. Do check the resources available to students at your library Clothes: Exercise clothes/shoes Rain Coat Writing clothes* Pyjamas Socks/slippers *What do you feel most productive in? For some this is yoga pants and slippers and for others this is normal work attire. The important thing is for you to feel comfortable. We also suggest that you bring layers becausen A. It's Scotland, B. Its an old house, C. Its difficult to find a temperature that makes everyone happy, but we will try! |